22 MARCH 1946, Page 15


Sta,—In the hope of raising a sum of money for the relief of child- victims of the war, I am organising a sale of books. Mr. Hodgson, of Chancery Lane, has very kindly promised to conduct the auction, and I am now engaged in collecting suitable books for sale. I have principally in mind two categories—first editions of scarce books and volumes auto- graphed by their authors. The proceeds of the sale will be divided between two societies—the Save the Children Fund (which deals with all children without regard to race or creed) and the Children of Youth Aliyah (which concentrates on Jewish children). If any of your readers can help by offering gifts for the sale I shall indeed be grateful. Gifts should be addressed to me c/o The Save the Children Fund, 20 Gordon Square, London, W.C. I.—Yours faithfully, EBBA Low.