22 MAY 1880, Page 2

Lord Lytton has carried out his policy of forming Candahar

into a separate State. On the 11th inst., Shere Ali, the- new Prince, or Wall, or Khedive, or whatever he is, was publicly saluted as independent in the name of the Empress' of India, and told by Colonel St. John that he would be entitled to coin money and have the "Khotbah" read in his own name.. He was received by the troops in garrison as a Sovereign, and is officially addressed by the English as "Your llighness." All this, together with Mr. Lepel Griffin's speech to the Sirdars at Cabul, shows that the Indian Government had decided finally to separate Candahar from Afghanistan, an act they had no. manner of legal right, as a Power in military occupation of the country, to perform; but it throws no light on the substantial question of our obligations to the new ruler. Is he guaranteed by Treaty, or not P If he is, there is no way out of it, ex- pensive and burdensome as a guarantee will be, except through his own consent to a modification of the Treaty which may be obtained; but if he is not, he must guard his throne for- himself, without our assistance. We have a good deal of doubt whether any ruler of Canciahar will hesitate to acknowledge a legal subjection to Cabul, or will wish to appear to reign only as a British vassal.