22 MAY 1880, page 21

The Countess Daphne. By "rita." 3 Vols. (chapman And Hall.)

—This novel is written in a lively and picturesque style, while the writer manages with no little skill the soniewhat quaint machinery which she has chosen to employ for tolling......

Current Literature.

The Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Books of Liey's History of Rome. A Literal Translation from the Text of Madvig, with Historical Intro- duction. By a First-Classtnan. (Thornton.)—"......

Mil Cox's Genesis Of Evil.* Mn. Con Begins His Preface

with a significant sentence :—" It is my happiness, as it is that of many Nonconformist ministers, to preach to a congregation composed of personal friends, who have been......