22 OCTOBER 1836, Page 1

The expectation that the varrel between France sad Swi'ser- land

will be amicably adjusted, gains ground, from the pacific tone adopted by the French Ministerial newspapers, and from certain symptoms of a disposition to give way, on the part of several of the Cantons which at first took a loftier attitude. Berne the Vaud Argon, and Neufchatel, seem inclined to conciliate Louts PHILIP; Beide and Fribourg are still firm. The blockade is continued in all its severity.

The Paris newspapers, under the control of Government, have been directed to speak in flattering terms of the Whigs, and to give assurances of LOUIS PHILIP'S desire and determination to preserve the English alliance unimpaired. The King of the Bar- ricades was never at a loss for fair words.