22 OCTOBER 1836, page 4

Bc Cattntrg.

The members of the Reform Association at Newcastle-upon-Tyne assembled on Tuesday evening, and, after a long discussion, passed re- solutions, declaring the necessity of a......

The Mark Lane Express, In Allusion To The Wheat Crops

in Norfolk, Sussex, Essex, and Kent, the four counties on which the Metropolis mainly depends for its supply, states that "the straw is decidedly short in bulk, but that the......

The Dublin Correspondent Of The Times Admits That The...

are everywhere beating the Tories at the Registries. The Dublin correspondent of the Times admits that the Liberals are everywhere beating the Tories at the Registries. It is......

Several Attempts Have Recently Been Made In Wexford...

sell property seized for tithes ; but they have been unsuccessful, as the peasantry assembled in thousands, and overawed any person who might have been inclined to become a......


At a recent meeting of the National Association, Lord Stourton was admitted a member ; having sent a subscription of 10/. Lord Rossmore and Mr. Hyacinth Talbot also joined the......

Liverpool Exults In The Financial Benefits Which Result...

Nation Reform. Besides having persons appointed to vacant offices solely on the ground of their fitness, it is represented in answer to the question, what has the new Council......

His Majesty Has Subscribed 50/. To The Fund For- Repairing

the monu- ment of Shakspeare at Stratford-upon-Avon. The Bishop of Ripon will be confirmed on the 5th, and consecrated on the 6th of November, at York. Sir Edward Kerrison, M.......