22 OCTOBER 1836, Page 5


The Cupar dinner to Sir John Campbell, on the DM', was a very

spirited affair. Sir John was escorted by a procession from the home of his brother, Sir George Campbell, to Clipar ; lettere he was pre-

sented with the freedom of Cupar, St. Andrew's, and Kilignam, in the Town-hall. Ile delivered a suitable speech, and then accompanied his friends to the dinner-room, where a large party was collected. Captain Wemyss, M. P. for Fife, was in the chair ; and among the more distinguished guests were Mr. Ferguson of Raid), General Sir Ronald Ferguson, Mr. Edward Ellice junior, the Hail of Bodies, the Solicitor-General for Scotland (Mr. Cuoningbaine), Mr. Fer- gus, M.P., Professor Gillespie, Sir George Campbell, and the Pro- vosts of Cupar and Kirkcaldy. After the usual toasts and ceremony, Captain Wemyss proposed the health of Sir John Campbell; who had left his native country as so many others had done, to push his for- tunes; and by perseverance and industry had raised himself to the rank of his Majesty's Attorney-General. Many of those pre- sent recollected Sir John's father, Dr. Campbell : Captain Wemyss knew him well, and had spent many a pleasant hour in his society.

He was sure that all would do honour to his son, who, he hoped, would rise to the top of his profession. Sir John Campbell replied in a speech full of gratitude and poetry. He began by alluding to his early history and career-

" I have seen exhibited to-day marks of kindness that touch me in the most lively manner, and bting back to my mind recollections pleasing and

melancholy. Gentlemen, I am a native of this town ; here I first drew breath ; in this town my father above fifty years was pastor of the same con- gregation. Here his ashes repose; and here his memory, I am proud to know, is venerated. Gentlemen, under these circumstances, I am sure that you will receive with some indulgence the observations that I mean to address to you. My friend Captain Weinyss has expressed in much too flattering terms the little credit that belongs to me; but I will say this for myself, that being proud of my country and of my county, I have made whatever efforts in me Jay to advance the interests of Reform in the Representation. It has been truly said, that I left this country ft iendless, and that I went to push my for- tune in what may be considered a foreign land. It is, as be has truly stated, by industry and perseverance, and I hope honourable ambition, that I have now the honour to be received upon this public occasion by my townsmen, and by those who I am proud to say are of opinion that I have done them no discredit. Gentlemen, I have succeeded in life by maintaining an honourable career; and without a patron, and without ever having condescended to flatter the great, or to court the favour of any party excepting as far as my principles coincided with the party to which I have uniformly professed to belong. My maxim has been nitor in adrersum ; no step have I taken excepting by strenuous and de- termined exertions. The profession which I chose was of a very arduous na- ture ; and if I have succeeded in that profession, it was by hard labour and unwearied perseverance. Captain Wemyss has truly stated that my career is open to all ; but I think it may be instructive if I say it is open to all who will determine to devote themselves to the duties of the profession which they adopt. Gentlemen, in politics, from the eadiest moment I was capable of forming an opinion, I devoted myself to the popular cause. I am not one of those who have for the sake of place or preferment sacrificed the opinions of their youth. I have ever thought that a popular form of government was to be preferred. My opinion is, that under the limited empire under which we were born, with its institutions reformed and restored, public opinion has a greater sway than even in the purest democracy."

ell& had been injuriously reported of him that he was unmindful of the place of his birth- ." I am exceedingly distressed that such a notion is entertained by any indi- vidual. Captain Wemyss has stated that I went to push my fortune. I could not remain in Fife to plough my paternal acres. What I have acquired is my Own conquest. I beg to assure you, that no native of Fife is more devoted to his county than the individual before you. If Iliad had my choice, I assure you I would not have left -the county to which in my boyhood I was most de- votedly attached, and which I yet love with all the fervency of youth. Me xi tatn owls paterentur ducere vitam

A uspieits, et sponte men compouere coos; Urbem Coprensam primum thileesque meerum eliquias culerem.'

Gentlemen, that treasure was not, and is not offered to me. To maintain those who are dear to mime, aud to support my situation in life, I must spend my time at a great distance from my native place. But I can tell you, that when I revisit the scene of my younger years, it is with unspeakable delight that I first cast a glimpse at the distant Lomonds, and a thrill of pleasure passes over rase and warms my bosom when at last I see my native stream—the Eden ; and I repeat with delight the verses of Johnston, the Latin poet of Scotland- ' Arra inter nemorisque umbras et paseua 'zeta

Lene linens vitrits labitur Eden aquis.'

Gentlemen, this sentiment Heel—this sentiment I shall instil into my children. The papers that I have received to-day, when the freedom of Cupar, St. An- drew's, and.Kinghorn, was conferred upon me, I shall retain as the most inva- luable mumment that lean transmit to may posterity."

Captain Wemyss, in proposing the health of the King's Ministers, begged it to be understood, that he expressed no opinion as to the course which the Government had taken in the lust session, or would probably take in the next ; but he would say, that no Minister better deserved the regard and sympathy of the people than Lord Mel- bourne. He had suffered reverses from the highest quarter in the State, and from another scarcely inferior to it ; but if he had not :nine lives like a cat, it would.he seen at least that he had two; and he trusted and believed that if, to use a seaman's phrase, Lord Melbourne would shake out a reef or two, he would receive he support:of the people, come what may. Mr. Ferguson of Raith gave the health of Lord Grey. He complained of the attempts of the Tories to intimidate the constituencies. They would not, however, succeed in Fife in beatingCaptain Wemyss by inti- midation or the creation of fictitious votes; and he would venture to say, that the constituency which he himself represented would not allow

themselves to be deprived of their independence by such means. As a correction of these evils, he had no hesitation in stating, that the ballot must be resorted to. He had felt dislike to some features of the ballot, but now saw its necessity.

Mr. Ellice junior, in replying to the toast of " Earl Grey," declared his perfect concurrence with Mr. Ferguson as to the necessity of re- moving the clogs on the working of the Reform Bill. The Reverend Mr. Johnston, a popular Dissenting clergyman of Fife, proposed " Lord Holland and the Liberal Peerage, and a speedy amendment to the other members of that branch of the Legislature ;" which was drunk with great fervour.

Sir Ronald Foguson, in giving the health of Captain Wemyss, avowed himself the supporter of Lord Melbourne, but hopedhe ardekt shake a reef out of his topsails.

Captain Wemyss could only say, as he bad said fifty times before, that he was anxious to do his duty, and that his errors were those " of

intention, not of judgment." (Great lauyhter.) Ile perceived that he had put the cart before the horse. He strongly advised the Fife electors to he on the alert- " We are not paper ten•pounders, but real ten-poundets. But depend upon it, Reformers of Fib, you must keep a sharp look-out. The tiger is ready to pounce upon you whenever he can get an opportunity. I know it, and thereby bid you be watchful. Keep your parish and district committees in full opera- tion. 'fake care that no elector changes his residence without the necessary change in the register being made. Let us, I say, keep a shari, look out aft= privateers; and then we shall soon get rid of tuany painful scenes of coercion and intimidation. Could his Majesty's Attorney-General figure to himself the ease of a large tenant in this county being told to get Captain Wernyss to sign his cash account, for a principal name would be withdrawn ? (" Shame !") Another was told that he could not get his farm because a man, who had pro- mised to vote for Cale ain Weruyss, but who had broken his pledge, was to have it. Even the poor and honest tempounder was harassol and deprived of labour, not so much fior voting for him as that he had dared to show he kid a conscience. When the Reform Bill was introduced, I was as great au eeeiny to the ballot as any man. I know the ballot is attunded with many evils. know that by it the moral influence of the non-eketurs be destroyed. But

when I look to persons situated as many poor and honest electors are, I ho not see how they can be protected except by the ballot. I am not inclined to give pledges, but I must 5: v, that when the ballot is made a public oplestioe in Par- liament, I mean to give it my support. This also I must state, that I think it

would be idle to agitate the ballot there till it be taken up as a Cabinet question; and that is one of the points of the reef that I would wish Lord Melbourae to loosen."

Sir Ronald Ferguson proposed " O'Connell and Justice to Ireland." Ile alluded to Lold Lyndhurst's famous "alien" speech-

" I cannot avoid alluding to a speech which was reported to have been spoken, and which was approved of by the Tory l'eers by an individual in the Upper House, denominating the Irish aliens in blood, aliens in language, and aliens in religion. Is it to be totem cut that any man in that House should dare to use such explosions, and that man an alien himself? ( Cheers.) in

every country there ale men of desperate fortunes, who, having spent their

Own incomes, are glad to stir up revolutions, in which they can lose nothing, while they may gain every thing. I suppose you know who I mean? (Laugh- ter and cheers.) Suppose the same speech had been made in the House of Lords sespecting Scuoand, and that the same reason had been assigned for op- pressing Scotland as had been expressed with respect to Ireland: we differ front

our English brethren in blood, in language, in religion; but would not every

man in this room have been indignant if this language had been applied to Scotland ? and can you be surprised if Mr. O'Connell, with that strong love of country Which he possesses, uses coarse and harsh expressions? For my part, I am surprised how he keeps his temper so well. Take up this matter of /re- land in any shape you will—go to Joseph Hume with his money calculations— how can you save money better than by reducing the army? and it is well

known that at present the whole disposable force of the army is sent to Ireland. Do justice to that country, and there will nut be more &Lees required in Ire-

land than in Scotland. [Sir John Campbell—"Jnst state what the whole amount of force is in Scotland. "J There are at present no more than :2300 soldiers in Scotland; and. I believe you will agree with me, that we are kept pretty quiet. The riish are a kind-hearted people; and if they are treated with kindness and conciliation,! believe Ireland would be kept as easily in 1. der as Scotland. I trust that now the days of wretched cavilling at their re- !'..;ion have come to an end."

Mr. Ellice junior replied to the toast" Lord Durban', the Peer of the People ;" and declared that the measures which Lord Durham ad- vocated never could be carried without the ballot. He took his stand on the principles of Lord Burtam; who he hoped would one day be the Minister of this country. Several other toasts were drunk : among those best received, were Mr. Ferguson of Raith, the Earl of Rothes, and Sir John Campbell's wife, the Lady Stratheden.