22 OCTOBER 1904, Page 3

We may note that the same issue of Bacchus shows

a picture of a diminutive country beerhouse, with the following words underneath :—" The above photograph of the Prince of Wales' beerhouse at Yalding is repro- duced by permission of the Morning Leader. This house has been sold to a firm of brewers for £3,500, or £1,500 more than the owners expected. This great boom ' is, no doubt, due to the Licensing Act. The house let for a rental of £40 per annum." We must say we like the straightforwardness of " Bacchus." He makes no " bones " about the Licensing Bill, but frankly accepts it as a " trade " endowment. The owners of a house let for £40 per annum get their property increased by £1,500 owing to the passage of the Bill. The " trade " would indeed be ungrateful if after this they did not resolve to "play up " in " the Grand Final."