22 OCTOBER 1904, page 13

Sir,—it Would Be Easy To Show, Did Space Permit, That

the report of the Chronicle Commissioner on Chinese labour for the Rand, to which you called attention last week, is very misleading, though not, I feel sure, intentionally so.......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:9 Sin,—will You Allow

me to correct a slight injustice done me by Sir Horace Plunkett in your last issue P He speaks of your accepting, on my "authority," certain then uncontradicted statements of......

Trust You Will Permit Me To Reply To " Sexagenarian"

(Spectator of October 1st) in respect of a recent speech of mine on this subject which has been noticed in your columns. While I should regret that anything I have said should......

[to The Editor Of Vie "spectator:9

Silt,—In discussing the question of white men on the Trans- vaal mines, it is necessary to distinguish three classes :— (1) The office staff—accountants, bookkeepers, clerks,......