22 SEPTEMBER 1860, Page 9



The uncertainty, of affairs on the Continent have, as usual, tended to check speculative or bona fide business throughout the Stock Exchange; and although the fluctuations in Railway Stocks have been frequent and severe, operations have only been limited. It is probable, but for an abundant supply of money, quotations, from political causes, would have given way, and the market have assumed a much heavier appearance ; the last two days, however, have established a considerable improvement in the tone of Gunge, there being less apprehension as to the progress of Italian affairs. thinsols are now quoted 931 93a for Money, and 94 93} for the October Ac- count, showing an improvement during the week off per cent; at one mo- ment. yesterday, upon the receipt of better prima from Paris, there were buyers at 93} ; in the. afternoon, upon sales caused by rumours of an ad- verse character, all of which had little or no foundation, a reaction occurred to 93f 931. Today, a much better tone Las ruled, and the closing fieurets are 931 93f, with a firm Market. Money has been obtainable at very trilling rates. Bank Stock shot ; New Three per Cents and Reduced shut; Indian Five per Cents, 1031 1031 ; Exchequer Bills, Is. to 4s. prem. Consols for Money have been 93193f, but close 93} 931.

ifini•Foreign rket bet -been inactive ,ist Irteeks except Mexican,

?ffitsenes Ayres, -and Spauish Certificates; -the• quotatioisal in other things are -ferthe most Part teicluenged, there being only, *limited number oft ra mac, ,tionanseorded en_the offietal list.. Cbilian. Six per Cents, 102 101 ; Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 8283; 'Turkish.Six per Cents, 73t 741 ;- and the Now Ditto, d71 574. There has been a great demand for Spanish Cer- tificates, in which a eousiderable rise has taken place, and the figures pur- chased up to file 61; Spanish Active, 48 48} ; Ditto !Deferred, 391 34. Mexicali hits lot been snepertediat the, into rise, themarket leaving of dull at 21k 224 ; Lithium Ayres Six per Cents have declined, today. to 94 t 6, ; and tbe Three per Ceuts 291 301 ; Peruvian Pour-and-o,Half per Cents, 9495.; Ditto Three per Cents, 74 75 • Ditto tribarren, sq 84 ; Ditto DollarBonds, Venezuela, 2-2i 231 • Ditto,Deferred, 5 1 ; Sardinian has been quiet, 83 84; Victor Ernmanuel,V4 95; Russian Five per Conte, 1031 104t. • Other stocks

steady at the close. '

Railway Shares have experienced a good deal of variation throughout the meat, but business has not been ,so extensive as might have beet supposed from the fluctuations whieh-have daily occurred ; upon the whote..priees are again higher, and the.vatious-markets exhibit an upward tendency. The principal and leading lines are at the .following 6gnres--Great Wetter:, 40,74 Midland, 1281 1284.; York and.liorth.lUdiand, 87 874 ; London and North-Western, 100i 100 ; London,and South-Western, 91i 92; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1131 113/ ; Chester and llolyhead, 524 53.1 ; North British, 63 63i Edinburgh, Perth, and Dtindee, 291 301 ; Berwick, 1191 1001. A good deal of business has been transacted in London, Chatham, and Dover Preference Shares ; the lastprice is 92 94. Great Northern, 116 117 ; Ditto, A, Stock, 119 .121; Illackwall, 66} 674.; 211anoliester, Sheffield, and -Lincoln, 47 48; London and Brighton, 1091 114 ; Great Western pf Canada, 14 14; and Grand Trunk, 7,1- 71. In the French Market, shares have been moderately active, bat chiefly in Lombardo-Venetian, which have recovered to -14 discount ; Northem.of France, 37,1. sal ; Paris and Strasbourg, a44..25I ; Paris and Lyons, 35:36 ; .Luxembourg, 6i 7b; Namur and Liege, n 84. The Indian Market is firm, but little business passing. East Indian, par 0,1 premiern ; Great Indian Peninsula, 961 97; Bombay and Baroda, 94 944. Marine Shares are dull ; Ocean, 2 ' 2k; 'London and Provincial, t I die. ; Thames and Mersey, 7-16 9-16 premium ; Pernambuco Shares, 3.12 dis.; Crystal Palace stationary, 30 31.


There ia po change whatever to notice in the prices-of Engli-sh Securities. Consols are[ dull at 938 buyers. Foreign Stocks steady. Railway Shares heavy at an average decline of: per cent. An improvement of nearly : per cent has taken -place in Lombardo-Venetian. A further augmentation of 145,5561. is reported in: the -Bank Stock of :bullion, -which now stands at 16,379;7581. '.


The Cirottlar of Mr. E.,F. Satterthwaite reports as follows, respecting the progress made by the Newest American Railway-- "Therails were laid to within a dozen miles of lames Town, from the ]unction with the Erie, and last mail we advised you of the opening of the

to James Town (thirty-two miles), and the rejoieings consequent there- on. The work is being well done in every respect, and the,00untry opened up by the railway is a fertile and settled district, promising a good looal business,• especially in cattle. The roadbed is one of the best in the States, and plenty "of good ballast is found along the line. We were not aware, un- til westravelled through Chataguc County, in which two-thirds of the New York division lies, that such a productive and populous district was tribu- tary to the new line, and there can be no doubt that a fair proportion of the through east and west business will go over it. The drovers always prefer _a broad gauge line, on account of the advantages possessed by the wide cars for carrying water troughslor cattle ; and we think it certain"that, as soon as the line is opened to Columbus (on the Sunbury. and Erie), and a third rail laid on the south and east -into Erie, all the stock and a.large amount of through freight on the Cleveland, Painsville, and Ashtabula line will be transferred to the broad gauge at Erie, and that, in effect, the Atlantic and Great Western will ultimately form the main line of the Erie Railway, as -there will be no possible induoement for either througlutreight er passengers going via Dunkirk. When the Atlantic and Great Western is completed to the junction with the Cleveland and Mahoney Railroad, the, above will be- come self evident, as the trans-shipment to, the broad gauge will then be at Cleveland. The bonds of this road will be issued in sections, as the road is built, and it is not intended to offer -the bonds based on any portion of the line until- said portion is -built and open for traffic. The thirty-two miles now open have been built for cash ; antl,.taking into account both the value of the work done and the traffic which it will have from the start, we must consider the first division a most substantial and sufficient security for the bonds to be issued,"