22 SEPTEMBER 1939, Page 6

Evacuation stories multiply, though the publicity given to them does

not justify the inference that the scheme as a whole is working badly. But cases like this show some of its weak points. A child billeted within reach of London is being kept—at a loss—for 8s. 6d., which the taxpa}ers, not his parents, pay. The said parents have just paid him a visit. They arrived in a commodious motor-car, drove him off to the nearest town, bought him two suits and a couple of pairs of boots, brought him back, took him to lunch at the local hotel and, departing, sent him back with a tip of is. less than the cost of his week's keep, to make caustic comments on the victuals set before him. No doubt not many people in this position send their children to elementary schools ; if they did the case for a means test for evacuees would be rather strong. I ought to mention, as some set-off to this, a letter I have seen from a South Coast hostess expressing the warmest appreciation of the Thames-side mother and child she is taking in. There are many such * * * *