22 SEPTEMBER 1939, page 17

The Rural Mind

How deep and wide is the gulf separating the country and the town dweller few of us wholly realised till this exodus from the town began. Of course, poor children, given a......

The New Ploughmen

A letter is before me from the most modern of ploughmen, to wit a young woman. She writes: " I can now drive a tractor quite well, but it will take me at least ten years to......

Inland Gulls

It is interesting to watch the gulls, which now frequent ploughland far inland, in their attitude to horse and tractor. They follow the tractor-drawn ploughs more closely,......

Country Life

Desired Streets When the great exodus came, two expectant mothers from London were received in a country house that has all the charm associated with the name. The rooms are......

In The Garden

The garden of a pleasant country house has one border fringed with a plant that has enjoyed a generous measure of " unearned increment." At one moment on one single head were......

A School-girls' Service

On behalf of country children, this incident may be told. A lady, carrying a very large number of cardboard boxes con- taining gas-masks, was approached by three small girls......