23 APRIL 1927, Page 13


Great progress is being made in the campaign for the

'Polarizing of home-grown foods, especially home-grown is heat. After a long period of experiment, set on foot by the

eM' Health Society, a wholemeal biscuit, made entirely from

itish grain, has just been produced ; and it is claimed for t. t that it has all sorts of medicinal virtues, as well as being

'cry pleasant to the taste. The experiments have extended methods of keeping the food crisp as well as to the methods

f compounding, crunching and baking. If it is true that the

hief enemy to health in our modern civilization can be most

aecessfully defeated by persuading the public to take a small roportion of fresh wholemeal food, then the new product of e Health Society, which is called vita-wheat, ought to repre- In a 'very real advance from what is known as the C iii tate ; and at the same time it ought to help the farmer not a 'tile. If grain grown at home is proved—largely-because it is h----to Possess virtues denied to staler grains from a nee, then wheat-growing at home may enjoy a real revival. is a propos that a fanner said to me last week that in the

present plight of British farming, wheat-growing now offered the most promising prospect. And he came from that centre of intensive crops, in the neighbourhood of Evesham.