23 APRIL 1927, page 13

An Egg A Div.

The question of the limit of productivity in animals has been rearoused by the incredible feat of a Canadian hen that laid 351 eggs within the year. At a coming international......

Olii Britlsh Wheat.

Great progress is being made in the campaign for the 'Polarizing of home-grown foods, especially home-grown is heat. After a long period of experiment, set on foot by the eM'......

Plovers For Sale.

In London this Easter there were on sale both plover's eggs and dead plover. Where the question was asked, the sellers expressed themselves as quite unable to say whether or no......

Cherries And Daffodils.

The beauty of England never more warmly welcomed the holiday maker than this Easter. The loveliest single spectacle that delighted the eyes of some of us was an old cherry......

Country Life And Sport

/ONLY IN TREES. Afforestation, or at any rate planting trees, is becoming one of the favourite pastimes of the county gentleman. It has increased in favour all over the country,......