23 APRIL 1927, Page 3

The Independent Labour Party, at its annual con- crence at

Leicester, has confirmed a decision of its rational Administrative Council not to nominate Mr. amsay MacDonald for the treasurership of the Labour arty. The gulf between Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and he I.L.P. has been gradually becoming wider, for Mr. laeDonald has gone so far as to describe " Socialism in ur time " and other objectives of the I.L.P. as nonsense. he decision of the I.L.P. was no doubt a carefully signed snub. Nevertheless the managers of the con- rence were considerably perturbed when Mr. Arthur enderson administered to them something as much ke a dressing-down as could come from that quiet- antlered politician. Many other members of the arty also revolted. The outcome was that on Tuesday e conference painfully tried to make the slap look ke a caress.