23 DECEMBER 1922, Page 28

STONECROP. By Cecile Tormay. (Philip Allan. Os. net.)— The title

of Miss Tormay's new novel is wonderfully appro- priate. The arid conditions which it suggests arc the spiritual hall-mark of the book itself. Her story of Vella, a Croatian peasant girl, of her clouded life in the village and her violent death in the mountains, leaves a singular impression of unfruitfulness. A wealth of passion is expended, but the ground remains barren. Not the smallest flower of a less transitory emotion has blossomed between the two covers. In this respect, at least, Miss Tormay's book is a disappoint- ment. A few of the distinctive qualities of The Old House are to be recognized, but some fine spring of inspiration appears for the moment to have dried up. It is very much to be hoped that it may become active again.