23 DECEMBER 1922, page 27

The Romance Of Finance.t

WEYMAN'S gift of narrative is well represented in a story which might not seem, on the surface, to hold so much potential excitement and romance as such of the author's earlier......


MISS MAPP.* A EarErrn of the present writer's, who had been ill, said that the worst of having to stay in bed was the amount of Light Literature that was lent him. " And Light......

Other Poetry.

Ma. G. K. Cur.srizeroN has lately visited America. The sinister influences of Prohibition and Edgar Allan. Poe are apparent in every page of his new book of verse, The Ballad of......

A Sense Of Humour.*

SOMETHING should be done about Mr. Canaan. He has discovered that " the number of thinking men and women in the whole world is so small that they would hardly populate a......

Other Novels.

AN UNKNOWN QUANTITY. By Gerard Hopkins. (Chatto and Windus. 7s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Hopkins, having purged his mind of Oxford, now takes us through London's Bohemia. A wonderful......