23 DECEMBER 1955, Page 28

ENGLISH DRAWING: From Samuel Cooper to Gwen John. Chosen by

Geoffrey Grigson. (Thames and Hudson, 30s.)

Tuts is a very enchanting scrapbook of 142 drawings, the earliest done about 1640, the most recent shortly before 1940, No two men would have selected the same 142 examples from the production of three centuries. M r. Grigson has been governed by no other factors than his own conception of quality; age, his- torical significance or fame of artists whose work was nut' included have not been con- sidered. Others would no doubt have wished to change this or that; but then it would have been their scrapbook and not Mr. Grigson's. On.the whole he is to be congratulated on his choice, There is a short introduction justifying his method, and at the end a series of short but useful biographies. The reproductions are good. and the price very reasonable. The book will make an excellent Christmas present.