23 DECEMBER 1955, page 24

Crewe And Cuizon

LORD CREWE: The Likeness of a Liberal. By James Pope' ti Hennessy. (Constable, 21S.) REMINISCENCES. By the Marchioness Curzon of Kedleston , (Hutchinson, 21s.) MR. JAMES POPE -......

Second Highest From Gelow

ASCENT OF K2. By Professor Ardito Desio. (Elek Books, 21s.) THE Americans made their last attempt on K2, the world's second- highest mountain, in 1953 and failed; the Italians......

Green Corn And Black Diamond

By ALOYSIUS C. PEPPER H E was a dark, strange man who spoke but little. For long months it seemed that his body knew nothing beyond the insistent rhythm of his pick-axe as he......