23 JANUARY 1915, Page 16


[To TH. Eon. os Tax ••Srzer...o.")

SIR,—I write to thank you and your readers for the substantial help they have accorded our scheme of ambulance buffets for the help of the wounded in France. At the request of Victoria Princess of Schleswig-Holstein and her auxiliary Committee of the Y.M.C.A., Mrs. Moul and her staff of helpers have put their services at their disposal, and proceed at once under the auspices of the Y.M.C.A. to Boulogne. They will hold themselves ready to proceed to whatever destination needs their help, and the Y.M.C.A. have undertaken to co-operate and to help them in all matters of transport and advice. There will thus be no overlapping, no interference with military or Red Cross arrangements, and they will cease to be a private venture. All this is to the good. But the scope of their work by becoming identified with the Y.M.C.A. is much enlarged, and I feel that I must still appeal to friends of the Y.M.C.A. and others to beck up the demand for funds made in the Press of Tuesday week by the Princess and her Auxiliary Committee. I will ask that any funds that are specially to be used for the ambulance buffet and motor kitchen branch should be earmarked for that purpose, and sent either to Victoria Princess of Schleswig-Holstein, 23 Bruton Street ; or to Mrs. Chidell, Illovo, Fairbank Lane,

P.S.—Since writing you a motor kitchen has been placed by a generous donor at the service of Mrs. MouL