23 JANUARY 1915, page 14

Impoverished Switzerland.

[To run Rams or sun oSrecrason."3 Sur,—Amidst the many appeals now being made to the eon. eideration of the charitable, one small claim in particular is in danger of being......

A Former Raid At Whitby.

[To ran Eamon or vu ..Sracraron..] SI11,—The following incidents, recorded privately by the chief actor therein for the information of his family, and subse- quently committed......

Clausewitz And The Policy Of "schrecklichkeit."

[To ran Emelt or In "Sraersros.") Sill,—Your readers have cause to be grateful for the appear. aaoe of Professor Wilkinson's illuminating summary in your issue of January 9th of......

The New Army Of Officers.

[To TIM Ems. or Tan .Srscrxroz."] Sra,—Many young rankers in our company have received commissions. As an old Public School boy of mature years doing orderly sergeant'. work, I......

Belgium Under The German Sword. [to San Eamon Or Vu

"Sneer zoz."3 SIR, —As the effects of German propaganda in Italy have been discussed in the English Press, you will, perhaps, allow me to quote a few lines from a book which is......