23 JUNE 1877, Page 1

'Change has been affected this week by a widely-circulated rumour

that Government intended to ask Parliament for 15,000,000, to place the Army and Navy in readiness for any eventualities. The rumour was first circulated by the English correspondent of the Debats, and through the Havas Agency reached the Russian army on the Danube, where it created great excitement. It has received no official confirmation, and is pro- nounced by the Telegraph, which generally knows the Premier's opinion, unfounded, or at least " premature." It is clear that if any such grant is asked, the Liberals must insist that its objects .should be made thoroughly clear, and that Government should not be provided with an unfilled cheque. Some Liberals, Mr. Anderson in particular, have threatened if any such proposal is made to atop it by using the forms of the House, but that extreme course will hardly be required. The people are jealous about great sums of money, and the Tories will not be able to insist that the vote shall be passed without a full explanation, including a statement of the objects to which the improved forces of the country will be applied.