23 JUNE 1877, page 2

When The Commons Become Tory, Whatever There May Be Of

Liberal feeling in the Peers shows itself in a visible and sometimes even in an energetic form, just for the same reason for which it happens that when the monarch is......

The Duke Of Argyll, Supported In Great Measure By Lords

Northbrook and Lawrence, on Friday week gave expression to a sense of uneasiness strongly felt by all Anglo-Indians. He wanted to know what was doing up there on the North-West......

Lord George Hamilton Brought Forward The Indian Budget On...

in which he stated that the Famine had converted what would have been a surplus of £624,000 into a deficit of £1,858,158. The revenue for the year ending 31st March, 1877, was......

Among The Bishops, The Division List Showed Only The...

of Canterbury and the three Bishops of Exeter, Oxford, and St. Asaph on the aide of Lord Harrowby's resolution, while eight Bishops (those, namely, of Bangor, Carlisle,......

A Most Unfortunate Prosecution Terminated On Thursday. A....

recently punished for selling a book containing advice in favour of the restriction of population by physical means. Mr. C. Bradlaugh and Mrs. Besant, who apparently believe......

In Lord Justice Mellish The Legal Profession Have Lost A

great ornament, while every man and woman, whether learned in the law or not, will feel that the death of one who seems to have struggled throughout his professional life with......

On Monday Night A Naval Discussion, Previously Ventilated...

Press, was transferred to the House of Commons. It concerned the stability of the 'Inflexible,' and Fillips like her,—i.e., ships with a plated " citadel " and unarmoured......