23 MARCH 1901, Page 14



SD2,—While thanking you for your admirable article on George Macdonald—" A Great Scottish Teacher "—in refer-

ence to the proposed memorial to celebrate his services and genius about to be erected by the people of his native place in Aberdeenshire, one is prompted to ask : "May not we Southrons take part in this celebration ? " Great is the debt which many of us in England owe to George Macdonald. Not only in Scotland, but in England surely, thirty or forty years ago there raged that "inner contest between faith in the God of Jesus Christ and the God of John Calvin" of which you speak ; and to many of us Macdonald was "a man sent from God." Is it too much to say that for a large section of the Christian Church in England he changed the whole aspect of faith from one of fear to that of love ? May it not therefore be allowed us to join in some way in this celebration F—I am,