23 MARCH 1901, page 3

In The Commons On Tuesday, On The Vote For The

Transvaal Concessions Committee, Mr. Markham made an attack of extraordinary violence on Messrs. Eckstein, Wernher, Beit, and Co., and again and again described them as "a gang......

The Question Of The War Inquiry Was Raised In The

House of Lords on Monday by Lord Sandhurst, who deprecated the appointment of a roving Commission of unlimited scope and indefinite duration. The Duke of Devonshire, replying......

In The House Of Commons On Monday Mr. Arnold-forster...

and explained the Navy Estimates. We gave last week an outline of the chief proposals, but may note here that the Royal Fleet Reserve is to be an important feature of the new......

The Obituary Of Monday's Times Notices The Death Of One

of the earliest and wealthiest settlers in Victoria, the Hon. W. H. S. Osmand. Mr. Osmand, a Devonshire man, barn in the early "twenties," entered the Royal Navy—his father had......

Lord Rosebery, Who Is Doing Excellent Work In Insisting, In

season and out of season, on the necessity for better com- mercial education and better and sounder administrative principles in the public and private business of the nation,......

In The House Of Lords On Tuesday Lord Herries Moved

for a Joint Committee on the King's declaration, which was accepted by Lord Salisbury, with the understanding that words were to be added which would safeguard the Protestant......

After Lord Rosebery Had Intervened With The Rather...

that a representative of each com- batant might go through the papers (like two solicitors in a family quarrel) and select those which were relevant, and the Duke of Devonshire......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 98.......