23 MARCH 1934, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. Michael Roberts is very careless or wilfully mis- leading, for in quoting my lines from the letter addressed to my young friend, Roy Campbell, " It's rot you write, and yet it's bloom and health,— A bloody muddle rich with verbal wealth " he gives the impression that it is a general description of both my poetry and Roy Campbell's. As regards my poetry my real readers have long ago made up their, minds ; but as regards Roy Campbell's I do not want to be embroiled with him or his friends for misrepresentation. The lines are about one special and peculiar poem of his, The. Georgiad. Most of Roy Campbell's poetry is highly disciplined, and the very reverse of rot or muddle.—I am, Sir, &c., 22 Batchwood View, St. Albans. HERBERT PALMER.