23 MARCH 1934, page 3

Some Signs Of Spring The Hounds Of Spring May Be

on winter's traces•— spring began officially last Wednesday—but there is not much sign of their own traces so far. Among the customary outward portents of the season—other than......

The Big Debate In The House Was Concerned With Imperial

Defence. Mr. Attlee made a most notably impartial and reasonable plea for a Ministry of Defence, which was countered by the Prime Minister with a description of how the existing......

Next Come Proposals For An Increase In The Flat Rate

of benefit. It is pointed out in that connexion that if the taxpayer took over the debt of the Fund the cost (15,500,000) would be just about equal to the cost of restoring the......

Economic Sanctions Five Fellows Of Oxford Colleges Have...

valuable and suggestive memorandum on the general question of economic sanctions, taking the view, which is entirely just, that if this country has any intention of carrying out......

Policing The ;fishing Grounds There Was Something A...

about Mr. Noel Skelton's description in the House of Commons on Tues- day Of the efforts being made to design " Q-ships," which shall look like trawlers but be iri fact......

The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...

chief interest of the week has been discussions in the lobbies rather than in the Chamber. These discussions have naturally concentrated chiefly on Budget prospects, and have......

The Juvenile Workless In His Broadcast Speech Last...

Lloyd George called attention to the favourable condition of London in regard to unemployment as contrasted with cities in the north. This fact is worth bearing in mind when we......