23 NOVEMBER 1945, Page 13

INDIAN AND BRITISH NEWSPAPERS SIR,—My attention has just been drawn

to a letter in your issue of November 2nd from Mr. Ram Singh in which he alleges that Hindustan Times and Associated Newspapers and Messrs. Birla have entered into talks with Lord Kemsley with the object of bringing into existence "an institution for checking irresponsible international news reporting."

This allegation is a pure fabrication and is without any foundation whatsoever. I have been in touch with my head office and I am authorised to state categorically that Hindustan Times and Associated Newspapers or Messrs. Birla have entered into no talks with Lord Kemsley and there is no idea of establishing " joint proprietorship of newspapers here and in India."

I am surprised at The Spectator publishing this rather serious allega- tion without making any attempt to check up on its authenticity, for this can hardly be called upholding the best traditions of journalism for which I have always understood The Spectator stands. I understand Mr. Dev Das Gandhi, managing editor, Hindustan Times, will be writing to you more fully from New Delhi, regarding Mr. Ram Singh's allegations.—

3 Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C. 4. (London Editor).