23 NOVEMBER 1956, Page 24


Pigs are highly intelligent creatures, but they are also vindictive and show a little of the devil, as a friend testified the other day. He had been walking along a footpath between thick hedges when, at a bend, he encountered a large sow grubbing in the grass. Always a gentleman, he stepped carefully into a corner to allow the sow plenty of room to pass, but, when level with him, she suddenly tossed her head and stood to crop grass first on one side of him and then on the other. This proved rather alarming, for when my friend attempted to move, the sow snapped at him and gave him what he described as a very mean look. The business went on for more than a quarter of an hour. At length he was allowed to move and, after hurrying down the path, he was about to turn and shake his fist, when he saw that the sow was galloping after hint. Recriminatitins were obviously out of the question, and he thankfully scrambled over a stile and escaped!