23 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 14



London, 9.0th September 1937.

Sza—In these piping times of political peace and tranquillity, I hope you will be able to find room far a few lines on one of the popular amusements of Paris.

M. McsaRD, the well-known quadrille.composer, presides every evening at a performance of instrumental music, which is given in a large hall opening into a garden, but capable of being entirely closed when the weather requires it. The band is a very fine one, and consists of about ninety musicians. The price of admission is one franc. Now, surely there can be no reason why a similar undertaking should not succeed in London. There are rooms sufficiently large for the purpose; and there can be no lack of persons who wonld eagerly seize the opportunity of bearing goor. instrumental inxsie for a moderate sum. I subjoin the programme of a performance at the Ausard Concerts.

The first part consisted of six pieces,—the Overture to the Pirate, by RELLINI ; a series of airs from La File du Danube, by A. ADAM; a similar selection from Richard Cieur.de- Lion, by GRETRY ; and three pieces by AICSARD. The second part contained the Overture du Jeune Henry, by Aleut:T.; the Overture des Francs Juges, by BERLIOZ ; La Pastorella, by ROSSINI; and three pieces by M

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I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, A. T.