23 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 6

Lord Lyndhurst has declined an invitatinn to a pelOie dinner

at Aberdeen. Private business, he says, will prevent his ret urn to Englalid bef ore the meetin.4 of Parhainctit; and then his duty as a legislator will detain Lim in London.

Tire revival of mole continues: we have even heard complaints made of an in-efficient supply of hands in some departments of ma- nufacture. What is manufactured finds a ready market, there hexing been or no stock urn hahd. It is admitted, however, that in my employers have beeit tem pt,d to give out work ember than they other- wise would by ;he low price of we k.—Ghsgow Argus.

The Duke ot Roxburgh and Sir Charles Delbiac were fined 51. each for fishing with rods last week in the Highlands of Scotland, although the river was his CiraVCS property. But SO strict were the owners above and below that the case was taken up its an exumplo.

On Sunday afternoon, an altercation happened at Dundee between two privates in the Sixty-fourth Regiment, mimed Taylor and Grubber', which led to some jostling and pushing, and unfortunetely terminated la the death of Taylor.