23 SEPTEMBER 1893, Page 3

The Commissioners of Inland Revenue, in their Report published during

the past week, state that, in spite of bad trade and the loos of wages among the poorer classes owing to strikes and other causes, there has been an increase of 1,109,007 lb. in the consumption of tobacco over last year, which was thought to have been high-water mark. Since the reduction of the duty iu 1887 to 4d. per pound, the ratio of increase in the consumption has been greater than the ratio of increase in the population. The amount con- sumed now is 31 q. more per head than it was before the duty was lowered, and 2i oz. more per head than it was prior to the increase of duty in 1878. The present consump- tion per head is 11 lb. 10.} oz.