23 SEPTEMBER 1893, page 3

The Meeting Of The British Association This Year At Notting-

ham can hardly be called a success. The speech of the Presi- dent, Mr. Burdon-Sanderson, fell on dull ears ; and the idea, in itself sound, of contributing to science rather......

The Report Of The Royal Commission On The Water-supply Of

London, published on Monday, shows that the alarmist views as to the inadequacy of the present sources are not justified. The Commissioners report unanimously that for the next......

The Commissioners Of Inland Revenue, In Their Report...

the past week, state that, in spite of bad trade and the loos of wages among the poorer classes owing to strikes and other causes, there has been an increase of 1,109,007 lb. in......

We Wonder That Mr. Asquith Or Lord Rosebery, Or Some

other long-headed man among the Home-rulers, does not in- tervene to prevent himself and the causellbeing made so supremely ridiculous, as it is being made by the present......

That Grand Being, The American Heiress, Specially Created...

relief of embarrassed nobles, has attained almost to the summit of her ambition. She has not won a throne yet, though she may if the King of Servia is a wise man; but she has......

Those Who Wish To Suppress The Use Of Opium Are

not pros- pering before the Opium Commission. They have shown with great ease that the abuse of opium, like the abuse of wine or tea, destroys many constitutions, but they have......

The Coal Strike Is In Some Ways As Far From

a settlement as ever, but the area of disturbance is slowly shrinking. The decision of the men's conference at Not'ingham, to allow the miners to return to work at the old rate......

Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent, New Consols (2d Were On

Friday 981.......