23 SEPTEMBER 1916, Page 11



[To ran EDITOIt Os Tan " Merman

6m, The following extract may be of interest to your readers. It is from a letter lately received by me from an American in America, where she was born and has always lived :- " I must say a word or two about Ireland. It is rather a delicate matter to criticize your clergy, but I feel that we of the better class of Catholics in justice to ourselves must let it be known that we are entirely opposed to the attitude taken by some of our Bishops (our own, alas !) and many of the Irish clergy. We know the Sinn Feiners are in German pay ; we abhor their traitorous designs, and we realize that to the German propaganda in this country is due the attitude taken by so

many of Irish blood. Dear Mrs. please say this to any one you think right. Tom, his wife and I haven t a drop of blood in our veins that isn't Irish, but we know that England is fighting for truth and justice and liberty, and we condemn with all our hearts the action taken by so many of the Irish in this country. I won't call them Irish- Americans, because Americans they are not. Neither for one minute do I believe the stories of the distress in Ireland. Here, again, we see the hand of the common enemy."