23 SEPTEMBER 1916, page 2

To The Loss Of The Prime Minister's Son Must Be

added that: of Captain Henderson, the eldest son of the representative of organized Labour- in the Cabinet. He eves a young man of great promise both. as a soldier and a.......

We Have Not The Least Desire To Disparage Mr. Churchill's

title, but we are bound to say that literally thousands of people thought of the idea of charging the trenches with heavy motors of the pedreil type—i.e., caterpillars. It was......

We Record With Pride As Well As With Much Regret

the death in action of Professor T. M. Kettle. As an Irish Nationalist Member of Parliament he was one of the most persistent and forcible political haters of England. He was......

M. Briand By His Speeches On The War During The

past week has placed himself in the first rank of statesmen who during war have combined passionate eloquence with piercing insight. No words. of praise would exaggerate the......

During The Week The Press Has Been Full Of Controversial

paragraphs as to who was the real begetter of the " tank " idea. Mr. Lloyd George may be said to have begun the controversy by the declare,- tion in an interview that Mr.......

The Balkan Correspondent Of The Times, Who Does Not Speak

without his book, said in Wednesday's paper that Germany ensured by careful intrigue that Bulgaria and Rumania should become involved' in hostilities with each other direotly......

In Dwelling Upon The Loss Suffered By The Prime Minister

and his distinguished colleague, and the hope that must be in many minds that they may find consolation, our thoughts are carried to that ever-memorable letter which Cromwell......

The Fourth Greek Army Corps, Which Was In The Kavalla

district, has spontaneously surrendered itself to the Germans. Or it may be that the Germans deported it after threatening that resistance would be punished. At all events, the......

The Greek Crisis Has Clearly Not Been Ended By The

appointment of M. Kalogeropoulos as Prime Minister. M. Kalogeropoulos has told the Athens correspondent of the Timm that " all his personal sympathies are with the Entente."......

Marshal Von Mackensen Led Bulgarian Troops Into The...

Germany is much more concerned about the road to the' East than the saving of Transylvania for. Hungary. But this means that Germany has preferred a political to a military......

It Is With The Deepest. Regret That We Chronicle The

death of hfr. Raymond Asquith, of the Grenadier Guards, who was killed on the 15th inst. when leading his men to the attack. Mr. Raymond: Asquith's career at Balliol was......

" Look At Your Country, M. Brizon. It Has Been

violently attacked. It stands for-something in the world as a propagator of those ideas which have done work for the world's progress. When your country, which has for two years......

Mr. Raymond Asquith Was Likely To Have. Proved Successful At

the, Bar, for he inherited not only his father's power of speech, but his quickness in taking legal points. The.last thing he would have liked would be sermonizing or......