23 SEPTEMBER 1916, Page 2

It is with the deepest. regret that we chronicle the

death of hfr. Raymond Asquith, of the Grenadier Guards, who was killed on the 15th inst. when leading his men to the attack. Mr. Raymond: Asquith's career at Balliol was exceptionally brilliant. He carried' off innumerable prizes for classical scholarship. These who• were acquainted with him least. found him cynical, but, as so often happens in such cases, his intimates knew that the cynicism and the mocking humour were defensive armour rather than part of his nature, and could be put off at will. No man, indeed, impressed his own generation at Oxford more. The same may be said of his relations with his brother-officers in the Guards. He, soon became popular, and was a very strict and thorough as well as. a very gallant soldier. Those who expected. that his Radical views- would make him a loose disciplinarian were much-mistaken.