23 SEPTEMBER 1916, Page 2

" Look at your country, M. Brizon. It has been

violently attacked. It stands for-something in the world as a propagator of those ideas which have done work for the world's progress. When your country, which has for two years had the honour to be champion of right, has stayed the invader, and defends the whole world, when its blood flows, you say ' Negotiate peace.' What a challenge, what an outrage to the memory of our dead ! (Loud cheers, and a shout, Debout les morts ! ') What, AL Brizon 1 Ten of your country's provinces are invaded. Our old men and women and children have been carried off. They bear their misery bravely, awaiting deliverance at your hands. Is it then that you come to us saying Negotiate, go and ask for-peace' ? You little know France if you imagine that she can accept economy of milliards, or even of blood, in such humiliating circumstances."