23 SEPTEMBER 1916, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SescrAvoa."] SIB,—I venture to beg you again to let it be known. that I have a large quantity of herbaceous and Alpine plants to dispose of for the benefit of the sick and wounded in hospitals. I can offer collections of Alpines for 5s., 7s., 10s., 15s., £1, up to £10 (my selection). Collections of herbaceous plants and roses and small shrubs for 5s ., 713., 10s., 15s., £1, up to £10 (my selection). Collections of herbaceous and Alpine plants, mixed, for the same amounts. Collection of choice seeds, six different varieties, to include postage, 2s. (my selection). Will your readers be good enough to write to me here and order for what amount they require ? I should be much obliged if all who buy would send me a postcard addressed to themselves giving postal address, two fully addressed labels to send plants by reduced passenger rate, naming nearest station and railway line, and one large envelope with full postal address for seeds. It will be a great kindness if you will help me in this matter. I beg to say that I have obtained permission of the County Directors in York- shire and in Shropshire to promote this scheme.—I am, Sir, &c.,

CATHERINE MILleRS GASKELL (Lady of Justice and Vice-President under the Military of District 10 in Yorkshire).

Wenlock Abbey, Much Wenlock, Shropshire.