23 SEPTEMBER 1916, Page 15



SIR,—Your correspondent Mr. Yana Graham regrets that you have lent your columns to the publication of the details of the Suvla Bay water-finding incident. So far from agreeing with him, I wish to thank you, and your previous correspondent Mr. Butcher, for making public the facts given in the Egyptian Gazette. If the particulars there given are verified after careful inquiry, they will corroborate the numerous other evidential cases—of the success of a good "dowser" when other attempts to find water had failed—which are given in my reports on this subject published in the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. However, I do not wonder at Mr. Graham's scepticism and scorn, for such were my own feelings when I was asked by Professor Henry Sidgwick and the Council of the S.P.R. to undertake the critical investi- gation of the whole matter more than twenty years ago. If Mr. Graham, or Sir Ray Lankester on whom he pins his faith, will give as many hours to this inquiry as I have given years, their opinion will be entitled to more weight than it is at present.—I am, Sir, &c.,