23 SEPTEMBER 1922, Page 15



Sut,—Seeing your article on Anglo-Indian children in your issue of September 9th, and being an Anglo-Indian myself, will you allow me this opportunity of protesting against the lately- sanctioned use by missionaries and their journals of this old- established term Anglo-Indian for English residents in India as a description of Eurasians? No term could be more suitable and correct than Eurasian for the class indicated. If the Eurasians repudiate that name—but why it is considered offensive is by no means clear—let them be called Indo- Europeans. But the missionary party have no right to take our time-honoured name from us and bestow it on people who are not English (in many cases not even of English fathers)

and not Indian.—I am, Sir, &c., C. R. HAINES. Petersfield.

[" Anglo-Indian" has, we believe, official sanction.—ED. Spectator.]