24 APRIL 1830, Page 12


WE have been much gratified by an hour spent in Mr. SLATER'S Exhi- bition-room, in Newman Street, which is hung with a collection of his sketches in crayon and water-colour drawings of private individuals and publiccharacters, to the number of two hundred and thirty. Mr. SLATER'S style of drawing is free and artist-like ; delicacy, vigour, and feeling, are its characteristics. Ws likenesses, as far as we could judge, are remarkable for

truth of delineation and fidelity and strength of character ; and the sterling excellence of his productions justifies the high estimation in which his talents are held. Nothing is sacrificed to artificial grace or an affected refinement; but identity of resemblance both in feature and expression is successfully embodied, in a style distinguished for its propriety and felicitous ease. As studies of character only, these admirable portraits are interesting ; and they include a variety of heads remarkable for female beauty and sweetness, and manly sense and intellectuality. We have not space to enumerate indi- vidual specimens.