24 DECEMBER 1910, Page 2

The late Duke of Cambridge, after having been at Gibraltar,

returned home through Austria and Berlin. At Berlin he visited the War Office, and was there shown a beautifully constructed model of the Rock and its defences. Our Com- mander-in-Chief, as he then was, was delighted to notice that some of the latest gun positions which he had seen on his official inspection were not marked on the German model. Unfortunately, however, before he left the room an official whispered some information to the officer in charge, who then turned to the Duke with the remark that he was sorry to say the model had not been brought quite up to date as they had not been expecting his Royal Highness's:visit. With his pencil, however, he pointed out the various places which should have been marked as new gun positions. These were the positions which had only just been completed for the Duke's inspection at Gibraltar. The Admiralty would not be doing their duty if they did not obtain every kind of information possible in regard to the islands and fortresses in the North Sea; but this no more shows that we mean to attack those islands and fortresses than that the Germans at the time of our story meant to attack Gibraltar.