24 DECEMBER 1910, page 13

The Referendum And The Representative Principle.

tTo TIM EDITOR OP THE "BrEcrwros.'1 SIrt,—I wish I could dispute the facts which Mr. Bailey sets out in your last issue. But though this is impossible, I think that he......

Are We Giving Away Our Sea Power P

[TO THE EDITOR OY THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIlt,—Admiral Mahan, who has told us that next to his own country his warmest feelings are for ours, recently in the Daily Hail and the Times......

The Decay Of The Constitution.

(To THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR...1 SIB,—Your interesting article in last week's issue on this subject, while admitting the evil, suggests two causes for this decay :—(1) "......