24 DECEMBER 1927, Page 1

It will be noted at once that the Joint-Conference will

be rather anomalous in so far as it will be between the official body of trade unionism and an unofficial group of employers. The logical procedure would have been for the National Confederation of Employers' Organizations to send the invitation to the T.U.C. Apparently this was impossible, because the constitution of the Confedera- tion does not provide for such action. When it was ascertained that it was impossible for the Confederation, as such, to move, a very powerful group of employers formed themselves into a committee and sent the invita- tion which was discussed by the General Council of the T.U.C. on Tuesday. This group of employers includes Sir Alfred Mond, Lord Aberconway, Sir Herbert Austin, Mr. Bernard Baron, Lord Colwyn, Sir Arthur Dorman, Sir Robert Hadfield, Lord Londonderry, Sir Josiah Stamp, Lord Weir, Colonel F. Vernon Willey and Lord Ashfield,