24 DECEMBER 1927, page 2

When Parliament, In 1919, Passed The Enabling Act It...

preferred practical convenience to academic theory. The point was that Parliament no longer had the time or the knowledge for directing the affairs of the Church, and it was......

Profound Sympathy Has Been Felt Here With The Americans Who

are mourning the loss, apparently with all lives, of Submarine 54. The submarine was rammed last Saturday by the Coastguard-Destroyer ' Paulding ' off the Massachusetts coast.......

The Sugar Refining Industry Which Is Carried On In Greenock,

Liverpool and London is evidently hard hit by the beet sugar subsidy. A special correspondent of the Times says that at Greenock three out of five refineries have been closed ;......

The House Of Commons On Wednesday Passed The Third Reading

of the Indian Church Bill. Lord Winterton explained on December 16th that the Bill was a necessary pendant to the independence already granted to the Anglican Church in India.......

The Forthcoming Visit To Europe Of The King Of Afghanistan

is a remarkable event. It is a deliberate part . of the King's policy ; he desires to modernize his fanatical country. His passing through India was the occasion of......

The Latest Treaty Between Britain And Iraq Has Been Laid

before Parliament. It marks a further stage in the evolution of what was at first a mandated territory under strict protection and guidance. In the new Treaty Iraq is described......

Mr. James Macneill, The High Commissioner Of The Free State

in London, is to succeed Mr. Healy as Governor- General of the Free State. This is a very happy choice. Mr. Healy has been very successful, and will be difficult to follow, but......

Again It May Be Objected That In Spite Of The

sanction of the Ecclesiastical Committee the new Prayer Book does actually trespass upon the Reformation settlement by making the Holy Communion rather more Romish. As everybody......

Those Last Words Might Be Bent To His Own Sense

by a believer in Transubstantiation. The Consecration Prayer in the new Book makes the communicants pray that the consecrated elements "may be unto us the body and blood, of Thy......