24 DECEMBER 1927, Page 3

On Tuesday in the House of Lords the Road Transport

Lighting Bill passed through the Committee stage, and was reported to the House. It brings us at last within measurable distance of having every kind of vehicle that Moves upon the road at night properly lighted. Bicycles—pedal bicycles—are in future to carry a rear reflector. The fierce tenaeity with which the organiza- tions of bicyclists have fought this proposal has been • one of the most curious examples in recent times of misdirected enthusiasm. The point was, of course, that bicyclists have equal rights on the road with motorists, and that the onus is upon the motorists to drive carefully. Let this be fully conceded. But the fact remains that the bicyclist who has no rear light or reflector is in deadly danger. Perhaps, after all, in a 'World which is alleged to be indifferent to causes, we ought to admire the self-sacrificing, not to say suicidal, persistence of the bicyclists* 'who have risked their lives in order to stand upon their rights. * *