24 FEBRUARY 1866, Page 21

to illustrate the truth that

"Faith without love is but as sounding brass—

A soulless shadow—a sheer mockery."

She shows us two brothers in the Reformation days parted in bitterness and become, the one a preacher, the other a monk, reconciled through a common regard for a young girl, whose death, however, is necessary to bring about the result. We do not know that she has thrown any fresh light upon the subject ; but she tells the story in simple, forcible language, with much pathos. The minor poems are marked by a melancholy feeling, gracefully expressed, but which is rather saddening in its ubiquity. Here is a stanza from a touching poem headed "My Beloved."

" My beloved, I do love thee—

Faithful through the hopeless years— Hopeless that my love can lure thee, Or the passion of my tears?

"Or my outspread arms beseeching, Or the heavings of my breast, E'en in dream or phantom presence, From the mansions of thy rest."

" Lost and Found" is the story of two young girls,—

"Both lovely, though in beauty differing wide, So wide that Alice lyas as Daisy' known, Whilst Anne was called Wild Rose," living in a valley" embowered in trees," in "two vine-clad cottages, with laurels hedged," &c. It runs pleasantly in smooth blank verse through the small volume, and takes the reader easily to the end.