24 JANUARY 1852, Page 9



The English Stock market has been heavy during the whole week, and a decline of more than per cent has occurred. This has been mainly pro- duced by the heaviness of the Paris market, where a decline of li per cent took place up to yesterday afternoon, while a further fall has been occasioned today by the promulgation of the expected decree for the seizure of the pro- perty of the Orleans family. The extent of the drop in the French Funds today is not generally known, as the parties who have received telegraph de- spatches and are in possession of the news have not made it public. The induction of 3i. Persigny into the Ministry is regarded both here and in Paris with disfavour. Upon our own market, notwithstanding the abund- ance of money, Stock is still pressing; while in addition to the cause above noticed the approaching meeting of Parliament is regarded with anxiety, as pregnant with Ministerial and financial changes. Consols have been as low as 96, and close at 96i }. Money is more abundant than ever, and first-rate paper having three months to run has today been discounted at the unprece- dentedly low rate of lf per cent per annum. The business of the Foreign Market has been altogether insignificant; though prices have declined, as is always the case when Consols fall. The intelligence from Mexico has caused a slight reaction in the Stock of the Re- public, which has been done at 30; closing, however, this afternoon at 29t 30. Spanish Stock has been steady, and the market for it is rather firmer ; both Active and New Deferred Three per Cent Stock being from to per cent higher than last week. Some of the holders of the Active Stock complain of the charge of one shilling per cent made by the Committee upon all Stock converted through their agents, the London and County Bank ; and prefer to convert their Stock through the Spanish Financial Agency. By this -latter proceeding, they sacrifice about 1 per cent upon the value of their unfunded -Coupons. The Spanish Government Agency do not issue any receipt for the unacknowledged and consequently unfunded half of the Coupons. But the Committee, by their agents, give a receipt for the unfunded half in question, which receipt is saleable at about 1 per cent, and if retained will become available in case at any future time the Spanish Government should admit the claims of the holders of the now repudiated securities. The fluctuations of the English Share Market have been unimportant, and prices generally are rather lower than last week. The French Shares are all lower ; the decline since Saturday last being from 11. to 26s. per share. But the business transacted has been less extensive than usual. SATURDAY, TWELTD CeeL001.

A considerable improvement upon the opening prices of the French Funds occurred yesterday in Paris ; the Five per Cents, which opened at 101.25, closed at 102.80, while the Three per Cents from 64, the first quotation, closed at 66.20. The Consol Market opened heavily, the first price both for Money and Aceount being 951; more firmness has been since apparent, and the price is now 961. Nothing of importance has occurred in the Foreign Market, where the prices are nominally the same as yesterday. Railway Shares are heavy ; the following are the only transactions yet noted—Great Western, 841; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 60k; Midland, 543; South-east- ern, 201. The French Shares are firmer in consequence of the rise in the Paris market.

3 per Cent Console 96 3 Dutch 23 per Cents 583 93 Ditto for Account 96 6 Ditto 4 per Cents 90 91

3 per Cent Reduced 963 I Mexican Spec Cents 1846 . „ 29 :

34 per Cents 94 Peruvian 6 per Cents 93 Long Annuities — Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 .. 33 4 Bank Stock — Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 90 2 Exchequer Bills 56 59 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 112 14 India Stock — Ditto 43 per Cents 1001 3

Brazilian 5 per Cents 93 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 231

Belgian 43 per Cents 91 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 403 13 Chilian 6 per Cents 101 3 Sardinian Scrip — Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Ditto Bonds 88 9

Ditt, I per Cents 76 8