24 JANUARY 2004, Page 55

Q. Because I have been swaddling my ageing neck in

cashmere by day! had something of a shock when planning what to wear for a forthcoming important event at which television cameras will be present and during which! will have to wear décolletage.! had no idea how badly things had deteriorated. There is no time for a surgical 'procedure'. How can! face this emergency, Mary?

R.B., London SW3 A. lam grateftil to ny correspondent BT who has suggested an improvement to the existing crepeneck solution. He recommends commandeering a reliable friend to apply vertical strips of colour less toupee tape (available from Screenface 0207 221 8289) to the back of the neck These can be linked by a drawstring of beige-coloured elastic. which can be tightened to fit. The whole can then be concealed underjewellery or a velvet choker.