24 JULY 1926, Page 13

WOMEN'S PIONEER HOUSING [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Ste,--May

I through your columns draw attention to the sixth Annual Meeting of Women's Pioneer Housing recently held ? Year by year this Public Utility Society, which has for its object the provision of housing at moderate rents for women of moderate means, has been able to present an increasingly good Report and Balance-sheet. The Chairman (Mrs. Ralph Durand) informed the meeting that seventeen houses had now been converted into flats—that the Share and Loan Capital had increased 100% during the year and that the Society could as usual declare a full dividend of G%—in fact that the Society only stood in need of more investors so that the work could be further developed.

Since this meeting a stimulating offer has been received. A lady is ready. to invest 11,000, provided she can nominate four tenants from among retired professional women. In this way her £1,000 earns a good return and the problem of where to live is solved for four people of very small means. here is an example to be followed.—! am, Sir, &e.,

E. A. Baowstixo (Manager and Secretary).

Women's Pioneer Housing, Ltd., 92 Victoria Street.