24 JULY 1926, page 11

Letters To The Editor

MISS GERTRUDE BELL [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Many obituary notices have appeared of the late Miss Gertrude Bell, but a few impressions, based upon a pretty close......

The Betting Tax In South Africa [to The Editor Of

the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In the Union of South Africa the taxation of betting is in the hands of the various Provincial Councils. The Cape Provincial Council made a provision for......


A LETTER FROM VIENNA [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Lately there have been exciting scenes in the Austrian Parliament, as the large problems about the Tenants' Pro-......


RENOIR AT THE LEICESTER GALLERIES IF good taste and efficiency were all that were required for the production of art, then England would probably have more great artists than......